
From Revival Ragnarok Online

Job Type: 2-1
Changes From: Swordman
Changes At: Prontera Chivalry
Number of Skills: 10
Total Skill Points: 76
Total Quest Skills: 1
Job Bonuses
+8 +2 +10 +0 +6 +4



A spirit of chivalry.

Under the instructions of the King, he/she has devoted to live as a Knight serving the King. He/She has the ability to move very quickly riding a PecoPeco. Having greater strength and the ability to attack than a Swordsman, he/she points his/her weapon at those who endanger the weak and the King. The ability to move quickly, combined with a variety of different physical attacks puts fear into all enemies.


The Knight class is the primary second job for the Swordman class. Being a hack and slash type of character, Knights are granted access to a new mastery that will open a new type of weapon to wield aside from the Swordman's swords. They are also allowed to acquire powerful AoE skills like the famed Bowling Bash and the spear exclusive skill, Brandish Spear.


The following skills for this class have been altered. See the corresponding page to find which servers are affected:

Job Change Guide

Base Level: None
Job Level: 40
Class: Swordman
Item(s) (Consumed): Varies (See Table)
Items: 7 Awakening Potion
Experience: Base EXP: Job EXP:
None None
Quest Reward(s): Jobchange to Knight

1. Visit the Chivalry - a building located in the northwest corner of Prontera. This is also known as the Knight Guild.

2. Inside, speak to the Chivalry Captain NPC standing behind a desk to apply for the quest.

  • Note: Avoid the Recruiter; signing up for his mission transports the player to the Culverts, one map west of Prontera.

3. Speak to Sir Andrew, located close to the entrance (75, 107). He will randomly assign a list of items to collect:

  • Note: Players who are Job Level 50 may skip this step.
Set Items
1 5 Bug Leg
5 Clam Flesh
5 Maneater Blossom
5 Old Frying Pan
5 Snail's Shell
5 Heart of Mermaid
2 5 Elder Pixie's Moustache
5 Orcish Voucher
5 Mane
5 Moth Dust
5 Reptile Tongue
5 Wing of Red Bat

4. Speak to Sir Siracuse, found at the south end of the room by a table (71, 91). He asks questions pertaining to the Knight class. If you fail it the first time, speak to him again to re-take it.

Quiz Answers:

  • Question 1 - Weapon unaffected by Twohand Quicken is Flamberge
  • Question 2 - Skill not required for Bowling Bash is Provoke Level 10
  • Question 3 - Option not necessary for Brandish Spear is Spear Boomerang
  • Question 4 - Weapon that can attack a Nightmare monster is Zephyrus
  • Question 5 - The correct amount is 80%
  • Question 6 - You should tell the novice about a hunting area
  • Question 7 - In the front of a battle you should protect everyone
  • Question 8 - The most important value of a Knight is honor

5. Speak to Sir Windsor, near the middle of the room (79, 94) who will transport the player to a waiting room. Enter the chat room found here you will be transported to the first stage of the Battle Test if no one else is in line; otherwise, wait inside the chat room for others to finish the test.

There are three rounds of fighting monsters. In each stage, different monsters will spawn. All monsters must be killed within the amount of time allocated (there will be announcements indicating the time remaining). Remember to check all the corners of the room for monsters that could have been missed. If you fail, restock on necessary items, restore your HP/SP, and talk to Sir Windsor again to retake the test.

Before beginning this test, ensure you are fully prepared:

  • Full HP/SP
  • HP Potions
    • There will not be time to sit and regen HP during the test because of the time limit.
    • Especially recommended for those under level 60. 15 Orange/White Potions is ideal, but a large stock of Meat or the like will suffice.
  • Green Potions
  • Awakening Potions (Lvl 40+) / Concentration Potions
  • SP Restoring Items

Many of the monsters in round 1 are weak to Fire, while some monsters in round 2 are weak to Water. Fire and Water endowed weapons can be used here.

Round Monsters Tips
Round 1 2 Andre, 2 Argos, 2 Deniro, 2 Dustiness, 2 Piere A Fire elemental weapon is useful for this stage. The Argos are aggressive, so kill them first. Using Bash on them is viable, but use melee attacks on the "ants" to conserve SP for stages 2 and 3. The ants (Andre, Deniro, Piere) will draw near to loot items but are not naturally aggressive. The Dustiness may require Bash to be hit for low level Swordsman with little DEX.
Round 2 2 Anacondaq, 2 Desert Wolf, 4 Drainliar, 2 Frilldora A Water elemental weapon can help kill the Desert Wolves or Frilldoras. Try running to a corner to avoid being mobbed by all of the monsters in the room. Kill the Desert Wolves quickly, as they are aggressive and do the most damage. The second priority monsters are any attacking Drainliar. Then kill all remaining monsters in the room one by one. Remember to use a Green Potion if inflicted by the Blind status. 3 minutes are given to complete this round.
Round 3 6 Goblin (assorted types), 1 Goblin Steamrider Do not use an elemental weapon, as all the Goblins have a different element. Immediately run to a corner to avoid getting mobbed by the entire room. First kill the Goblins attacking that are in range (do not run halfway across the map to kill the archer), save the Goblin Steamrider; if using Bash or Magnum Break on the Goblins, ensure that there will be enough SP to Bash the Steam Goblin at least 3-5 times at the end. Once all the normal Goblins are killed, Bash the Steam Goblin to death, or whenever it is not stunned. Additionally, make sure you are not at low HP when fighting the Goblin Steamrider as it self destructs. Once all the monsters in Round 3 are dead, the player will be transported back to the Chivalry.

6. Talk to Lady Amy in the bottom left corner of the Chivalry (69, 107) to begin her quiz.


  1. Inquire
  2. Tell
  3. Lead
  4. Would
  5. Ask

7. Next, engage in conversation with Sir Edmund, located at (70, 99). He will teleport the player to a map with Porings, Lunatics, and Chonchons. Do not attack any of these monsters. If you comply with sparing these innocent creatures' lives, you will be teleported back to the Chivalry after a few minutes, passing the test.

8. Talk to Sir Gray at (87, 92), who gives another quiz. The quickest way to finish his test is with the answers below, however nearly any answer can be selected and he will simply try to persuade the player to answer differently. Just select answers that portray a friendly, altruistic person.


  1. Stronger
  2. To protect others
  3. Those waiting for me
  4. Friends

9. Return to the first NPC, the Chivalry Captain, who changes the player's job to Knight. 7 Awakening Potions will be rewarded regardless of job level. Players who are Job Level 50 do not receive any extra items.


See Swordman Skills for first class skills.

Skill Description Levels Type
File:Bowling Bash.png Bowling Bash
Knock targets backward, causing up to 500% damage in a 3x3 cell area that hits twice. 10 Offensive
File:Brandish Spear.png Brandish Spear
Attacks an area of ememies around the caster. Damage for each enemy increases the closer they are to the caster. 10 Offensive
File:Cavalry Mastery.png Cavalry Mastery
At maximum level removes the 50% ASPD penalty when riding a PecoPeco. 5 Passive
File:Auto Counter.png Auto Counter
Block an enemy's attack and automatically perform one critical attack on them, ending the Counter Attack stance. 5 Active
File:Riding.png Riding
Enables Knights or Crusaders to ride a Peco Peco. 1 Passive
File:Pierce.png Pierce
Strikes a single target for an amount of hits based on target's size. Requires a Spear class weapon. 10 Offensive
File:Spear Boomerang.png Spear Boomerang
Must be wielding a Spear weapon. Throws the equipped spear at a single target (the spear does not require retrieval). 5 Offensive
File:Spear Mastery.png Spear Mastery
Adds +4 ATK per skill level to Spear weapons. If the player is riding a PecoPeco, an additional +1 ATK per skill level is added. 10 Passive
File:Spear Stab.png Spear Stab
Strikes a target enemy and all enemies in a line between the player and the target. Requires a Spear. All struck enemies are knocked back 6 cells. 10 Offensive
File:Two-Hand Quicken.png Two-Hand Quicken
Temporarily increase Attack Speed when a Two Handed Sword weapon is equipped for the skill's duration. 10 Supportive

Quest Skills

Skill Description Levels Type Job Level
File:Charge Attack.png Charge Attack
Ranged attack: Rush a target, dealing more damage depending on how far away you are from it. 1 Offensive 40 Charge Attack Quest

Soul Link

Knight Spirit enables use of

Skill Description Levels Type
One-Hand Quicken
Temporarily increase ASPD by 30% when wielding One-Handed Swords. 1 Supportive

External Links

Knight  · Lord Knight
2nd Class
Bowling Bash · Brandish Spear · Cavalry Mastery · Charge Attack · Auto Counter · One-Hand Quicken · Riding · Pierce · Spear Boomerang · Spear Mastery · Spear Stab · Two-Hand Quicken
Aura Blade · Frenzy · Parry · Tension Relax · Concentration · Head Crush · Joint Beat · Spiral Pierce
Quests Knight Job Change Guide · Knight Skill Quest · Rebirth Walkthrough
Classes of Ragnarok Online
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Transcendant Second Class High Priest · Champion · Sniper · Minstrel · Gypsy · High Wizard · Professor · Whitesmith · Creator · Lord Knight · Paladin · Assassin Cross · Stalker
Expanded Class Gunslinger · Ninja · TaeKwon Kid · TaeKwon Master · Soul Linker