Donor Levels

From Revival Ragnarok Online

When a player donates a certain amount of Euros, they can gain access to special commands. These commands are available on Loki and Tyr, but not available on Eir. You can view your lifetime total by logging in to your account at the RevivalRO Website.

  • Alternatively: You now have the option of sponsoring Floating Rates or starting an Event via the Event Starter to increase your donor level. This allows the player to purchase credits ingame and contribute them to increase this level.


Level Amount
(in Points)
Command Description
1 2500 None None
2 5000 @petrename Enables you to rename your pet again.
3 10000 @jump Works like a fly wing, but you can specify coordinates after it if you want to jump to a specific area.
4 15000 @hatch Works like a pet incubator, allows you to hatch a pet in your inventory without consuming a Pet Incubator.
5 20000 @homtalk


Enables your homunculus to talk, example :@homtalk message

Enables your pet to talk, example :@pettalk message

6 30000 @homrename Allows you to rename your homunculus.
7 50000 @showmobs Locates normal monsters in an area and locates them on the minimap.
8 75000 @autotrade/@at Disconnects your client while vending and allows you to vend the same items you were vending before you got disconnected while offline.
9 100000 @identify


Appraises items like a magnifier.

Identifies all unidentified items in your inventory.

10 200000 @cstorage Opens a character's storage. This storage is bound to the character and can't be accessed from different player.


Level Amount
(in Points)
Command Description
1 2500 None None
2 5000 @load Enables you to return to your save point.
3 10000 @hatch Works like a pet incubator, allows you to hatch a pet in your inventory without consuming a Pet Incubator.
4 15000 @petrename Enables you to rename your pet.
5 20000 @pettalk Enables your pet to talk, example :@pettalk message
6 30000 @homtalk Enables your homunculus to talk, example :@homtalk message
7 50000 @homrename Enables your homunculus to talk, example :@homtalk message
8 75000 Undecided
9 100000 @identify Appraises items like a magnifier.
10 200000 @identifyall Identifies all unidentified items in your inventory.