
From Revival Ragnarok Online

Job Type: 2-1
Changes From: Archer
Changes At: Hugel
Number of Skills: 18
Total Skill Points: 82
Total Quest Skills: 1
Job Bonuses
+4 +6 +2 +4 +10 +4



A guardian of nature.

While hunting leisurely in the forest, he/she decides to join the world of adventure after reading the notice recruiting adventurers posted by King Tristan III, taking it as an opportunity to use his/her skills. Trained to manipulate bows and arrows, he/she can hit a target even with his/her eyes closed. With the use of different types of traps, he/she can interrupt an enemy's path and has the ability to bring chaos upon them. His/Her goal is to attack from a distance, but using the Falcon he/she became friends with while staying in the forest, he/she is able to rush an enemy as well. The Falcon also has the keenness to keep an eye out for an opportunity to attack. The Hunter is an outstanding job that has the ability to counter and attack in any situation.


Hunters are skillful at indirect combat. Their increased ASPD with bows helps makes them superior to Archers in ranged combat. They are also able to lay mines and traps on the ground to hinder or catch mobs. These traps will cause various status effects (Sandman inflicts the status sleep, for example) or cause elemental damage (i.e. Blast Mine, Land Mine) to a target.

Additionally, they have a powerful subcharacter, the Falcon. Falcons are highly effective at dealing consistent damage, as their damage ignores DEF. Falcons give Hunters the ability to deal damage to multiple monster at once, by gathering enemies together and employing the Falcon with the skill Blitz Beat. If Blitz Beat is not cast manually, however, the damage of Blitz Beat done to each target is divided by the number of targets it hits at that instance, thus making "auto-Blitz" an inefficient method of mobbing. Falcons also have the ability to reveal concealed enemies and destroy enemy traps.


The following skills for this class have been altered. See the corresponding page to find which servers are affected:

Job Change Guide

Job Level: 40
Class: Archer
Item(s) (Consumed): Varies (see table)
Experience: Base EXP: Job EXP:
None None
Quest Reward(s): Job change to Hunter

1. Go to the Hunter Guild in Hugel (which is situated north of the airship gangway). Talk with the guildmaster, Sherin, and apply to become a hunter.

Sherin tells you that candidates are required to pass three tests before they can become a hunter.

2. The first test is a personality assessment. The following are the answers to the test:

  1. Wander around alone and search for a place.
  2. Walk with a friend.
  3. Hunt at a nearby field.
  4. Go back to town.
  5. Would it be possible to get a heal, please?
  6. Open a chat room and wait.
  7. Tell the person about a good place to hunt.
  8. Guide them to their destination.
  9. Watch, then attack when asked for help.
  10. Try to find the owner.

3. Talk with the Guild Receptionist, ‘Demon Hunter’, on the left, who tells you that the second test consists of gathering items to make arrows. Gather the items he requests, then talk with him again.

Demon Hunter will request one of the following sets of items, chosen randomly:

Set Items
1 File:7030.gif 5 Claw of Desert Wolf
File:1019.gif 5 Trunk
File:509.gif 3 White Herb
2 File:955.gif 9 Worm Peeling
File:935.gif 9 Shell
File:508.gif 9 Yellow Herb
3 File:1021.gif 3 Dokebi Horn
File:7032.gif 3 Piece of Egg Shell
File:914.gif 10 Fluff
4 File:937.gif 3 Venom Canine
File:507.gif 5 Red Herb
File:919.gif 3 Animal Skin
5 File:925.gif 3 Bill of Birds
File:932.gif 5 Skel-bone
File:511.gif 3 Green Herb
6 File:913.gif 3 Tooth of Bat
File:938.gif 1 Sticky Mucus
File:948.gif 1 Bear's Footskin
7 File:1027.gif 2 Porcupine Quill
File:942.gif 1 Yoyo Tail
File:1026.gif 1 Acorn

4. Talk with Sherin again, who instructs you to meet a guild member in Payon to take the final test.

Tip: Bring enough healing items to recover all your HP once for the final test.

File:Location of the guild member in Payon.png
Location of the guild member in Payon

5. Go to the building in Payon situated to the east of the central castle (payon 185, 233). Enter the first room on your right, then talk with the guild member and ask to take the final test.

The guild member will give you File:1751.gif 200 Silver Arrows and transfer you to a waiting room. Walk forward and the examiner will explain the test to you.

The test area is a maze populated with Porings, Zombies, Archer Skeletons, and Mummies, and scattered with puddles of water. You are required to complete three objectives in order within 3 minutes to pass the test:

  1. Kill any 4 of the monsters labelled ‘Job Change Monster’.
  2. Open the exit by activating a switch.
  3. Exit the maze.

All of the monsters will die once the required number of target monsters have been killed.

The six target monsters are comprised of:

  • 1 Poring, located in the north.
  • 3 Zombies, located in the east, west, and center.
  • 1 Archer Skeleton, located in the east.
  • 1 Mummy, located in the south-west.

The switch is located at the center of the maze, and can be activated by clicking it. The exit is located in the north.

Tip: You can activate the switch from a distance; you don't need to stand next to it.

You will fail the test if any of the following happens:

  • You kill any monster labelled anything other than ‘Job Change Monster’.
  • You walk in any of the puddles of water.
  • You fail to complete the objectives within the allocated time.
  • You are killed.

When you are ready to begin the test, enter the receptionist's chat room and wait until you are transferred to the test area.

6. You are awarded a File:1007.gif Necklace of Wisdom as proof of passing the final test.

7. Return to the Hunter Guild. Give the Necklace of Wisdom to Sherin and she will make you a hunter.

Tip: Before leaving Hugel, go south and kill enough monsters to learn Falconry Mastery, then rent a falcon from the Falcon Breeder on the second floor of the Hunter Guild.


See Archer Skills for first class skills.

Skill Description Levels Type
File:Ankle Snare.png Ankle Snare
Use 1 Trap item to set a trap that will immobilize an enemy for a set duration. 5 Active
File:Beast Bane.png Beast Bane
Increases ATK against Insect and Brute race monsters. 10 Passive
File:Blast Mine.png Blast Mine
Set a trap that does Wind damage in a 3x3 area when triggered. 5 Offensive
File:Blitz Beat.png Blitz Beat
Your Falcon attacks an enemy and all surrounding foes within a 3x3 area. Can also go off passively. 5 Offensive
File:Claymore Trap.png Claymore Trap
Set a trap that will explode, causing Fire property damage in a 5x5 area. 5 Offensive
File:Detecting.png Detecting
Command your Falcon to detect hidden enemies within a variable range. 4 Active
File:Falconry Mastery.png Falconry Mastery
Enables Hunters to rent and command a Falcon, an exclusive sub-character for the Hunter class. 1 Passive
File:Flasher.png Flasher
Set a trap that will emit bright light that can Blind enemies. 5 Active
File:Freezing Trap.png Freezing Trap
Do Water damage and possibly freeze an enemy when triggered. 5 Offensive
File:Land Mine.png Land Mine
A trap that explodes when triggered, inflicting Earth damage with a chance to Stun an enemy. 5 Offensive
File:Remove Trap.png Remove Trap
Remove a trap laid by yourself, recovering the Trap item. 1 Active
File:Sandman.png Sandman
Set a trap that can put enemies to Sleep within a 5x5 area once triggered. 5 Active
File:Shockwave Trap.png Shockwave Trap
Set a trap to drain SP from enemies when triggered. 5 Active
File:Skid Trap.png Skid Trap
Set a trap that will cause an enemy to slide in a certain direction once it is triggered. 5 Active
File:Spring Trap.png Spring Trap
Commands your Falcon to remove a set enemy or friendly trap from a distance. 5 Active
File:Steel Crow.png Steel Crow
Increase damage inflicted by your Falcon. 10 Passive
File:Talkie Box.png Talkie Box
Set a trap that will display a user-set text message to whoever steps on it. 1 Active

Quest Skills

Skill Description Levels Type Job Level
File:Phantasmic Arrow.png Phantasmic Arrow
Shoot a magic arrow without requiring actual arrows and pushes the enemy 3 cells backward. 1 Offensive 40 Phantasmic Arrow Quest

Soul Link

Hunter Spirit enables use of

Skill Description Levels Type
File:Beast Strafing.png Beast Strafing
An advanced form of Double Strafing modified to do additional damage against brute or insect race monsters. 1 Offensive

External Links

Hunter  · Sniper
2nd Class
Ankle Snare · Beast Bane · Beast Strafing · Blast Mine · Blitz Beat · Claymore Trap · Detecting · Falconry Mastery · Flasher · Freezing Trap · Land Mine · Phantasmic Arrow · Remove Trap · Sandman · Shockwave Trap · Skid Trap · Spring Trap · Steel Crow · Talkie Box
True Sight · Falcon Assault · Sharp Shooting · Wind Walk
Quests Hunter Job Change Guide · Hunter Skill Quest · Rebirth Walkthrough
Classes of Ragnarok Online
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Expanded Class Gunslinger · Ninja · TaeKwon Kid · TaeKwon Master · Soul Linker