
From Revival Ragnarok Online

Job Type: 2-2 Transcendent
Changes From: Monk
Changes At: Juno
Number of Skills: 21
Total Skill Points: 194
Total Quest Skills: 3
Job Bonuses
+9 +9 +7 +7 +10 +3



Eventually, the Monk realizes the limits of the human mind and body... The force in his punches is feared, but his spirit is unsatisfied: His mind, body and spirit are not yet in perfect harmony. Through intense dedication and rigorous training, the Monk can finally tap into the total strength of his entire being as a Champion of faith.


A Champion is the Transcendent variant of Monk. Known for the one-hit skill, Asura Strike. Champions are even deadlier in close range combat due to their boosted SP count and STR. Champions get mostly new combo-skills as their transcendental skills. Combo skills are mostly used for PvM but still can wreck havoc in PvP if executed properly.

The most loved boost is probably the new skill Dangerous Soul Collect and the increase in HP and SP since Asura Strike relies on the STR and SP count of the caster. With 69 skill points to allocate, Champions can now have the most commonly used (PvP wise) skills maxed. Although the new skills are disappointing for those who are PvP oriented, the 69 skill points to allocate makes up for it and makes them able to get all offensive spirit skills maxed and get Body Relocation at the same time.


The following skills for this class have been altered. See the corresponding page to find which servers are affected:

Job Change Guide

File:Champion classchange 0.gif

To become a Champion, you must find a book called 'the Book of Ymir' in 'Sage Castle', Juno. The book will lead you to Valhalla so you can change your job through the Champion job NPC. Also you must reach at least job level 40 as a transcendent 1st class character.

File:Trans classchange 1.gif File:Trans classchange 2.gif
1. Sage Castle is located at 11 o'clock direction (yuno 88, 320) in Juno. 2. 'Book of Ymir' is located inside a room behind an NPC called Metheus Sylphe (yuno_in02 88, 164).
File:Trans classchange 3.gif File:Champion classchange 4.gif
3. The Book of Ymir (yuno_in02 94, 206) will teleport you to Valhalla. 4. Find and talk to a job NPC suited to your 2nd class.


For more information about Monk skills, click here.

Skill Description Levels Type
File:Palm Push Strike.png Palm Push Strike
While in the fury state, deals up to 700% atk and knocks target back 3 cells. 5 Offensive
File:Tiger Knuckle Fist.png Tiger Knuckle Fist
Deals up to 540% atk with a chance to immobilize target for 1 second. 5 Offensive
File:Chain Crush Combo.png Chain Crush Combo
In the delay after Tiger Knuckle Fist or Combo Finish, deal up to 1400% damage over 5 hits. 10 Offensive
File:Dangerous Soul Collect.png Dangerous Soul Collect
Summon 5 Spirit Spheres at once. 1 Active

External Links

Monk  · Champion
2nd Class
Absorb Spirits · Asura Strike · Blade Stop · Body Relocation · Call Spirits · Chain Combo · Combo Finish · Critical Explosion · Dodge · Finger Offensive · Investigate · Iron Hand · Ki Explosion · Ki Translation · Spirits Recovery · Steel Body · Triple Attack
Chain Crush Combo · Dangerous Soul Collect · Tiger Knuckle Fist · Raging Palm Strike
Quests Monk Job Change Guide · Monk Skill Quest · Rebirth Walkthrough
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Transcendant Second Class High Priest · Champion · Sniper · Minstrel · Gypsy · High Wizard · Professor · Whitesmith · Creator · Lord Knight · Paladin · Assassin Cross · Stalker
Expanded Class Gunslinger · Ninja · TaeKwon Kid · TaeKwon Master · Soul Linker