
From Revival Ragnarok Online
Revision as of 10:07, 29 February 2016 by Syphon (talk | contribs) (added custom Maces, removed Angra (not a Mace))


Maces are a blunt weapon type usable by Acolyte, Merchant and Swordman classes. All maces are naturally unbreakable except in upgrade attempts.

Regular Maces

Custom Maces

Weapons in Ragnarok Online
Ammunition ( Arrows · Bullets · Kunai · Shuriken · Venom Knife ) · Axes · Bare-Handed · Books · Bows · Daggers · Guns ·

Huuma Shuriken · Instruments · Katars · Knuckles · Maces · Rods · Spears · Swords · Whips ·