
From Revival Ragnarok Online
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General Rules

Rule of thumb

  • Don't be an asshole.


  • Any attempt to use loopholes to your advantage, despite the application of common sense, will be met with an application of the "Catch All" rule. Do not attempt to play games with us. If you are unsure if something is illegal or not, ASK before doing so.


  • All names, whether they belong to guilds, characters, or pets, need to be appropriate for the game. At most, they should be suitable for a pg-13 rating. If you are unsure whether or not your name is okay, then it is best not to use it.

Account Sharing

  • Although not technically illegal, account sharing is heavily frowned upon. Not only does it put your account at risk, but it also puts you in danger of not getting helped. If there is any evidence of sharing, actual or circumstantial, the GM Team reserves the right to refuse to help you in various situations. The account holder is responsible for any and all things that take place when logged in, so "my brother uses my account" will not be a sufficient defense. The entire account will suffer any and all consequences, regardless of how many people use it.


  • Excessive talking in chat and/or repeating lines consecutively is punishable. People can read what you say, so there's no need to repeat it over nine thousand times. This includes but is not limited to using over 3 lines of chat at a time, or repeating your chat more often than 30 seconds AFTER it's left your screen.
  • Do not spam skills or spells (heals and buffs aside) in town - it may cause lag to other players. This includes and is not limited to dueling in the middle of town.
  • Refining is OK if you're only going to do it 2 or 3 times, but if you're going to do more than that, please step away from the crowd where people cant see you refining.
  • Buffing is OK if you're actually buffing before going to battle or something. Don't just randomly and rapidly cast Bless, Increase Agi, Soul Links or any other type of buff every 30 seconds.

Botting / Macros / Scripts

  • Do not use ANY bot and/or third party program* under ANY circumstance.
  • This Includes, but is not limited to, using scripts that can operate for an extended amount of time without any additional input. If one button makes you skip steps on clicking, then you shouldn't do it.
  • Even if it is not in your computer or attached to your computer, using a ducking-bird to hit a key will enduce the same effect as any bot or script so don't complain when you get banned. GMs can't remote-access your webcam, so to us you are just like the rest of them.

Spawning Monsters In Towns

  • Spawning in towns is fine as long as it doesn't bug anyone. It would be preferred if you'd spawn somewhere that isn't the center of population in town. If someone complains, kindly move away from the crowd.
  • In addition to the above rule, using any items to turn a regular monster into an aggressive monster used to kill other players (or grief in any way, shape, or form) is not tolerated. This specific rule about griefing is not limited to strictly town.

AFK Leveling

  • Do not train yourself while away from your computer. This includes by homunculus, reflect, autocasting, or any combination of the three. Doing so under this method will earn you either jail time, item removal, base level removal, or a combination of the 3. If requested to respond you are expected to do so, either by GM or otherwise. Punishment can extend to a temp ban or a permanent ban based on previous infractions.

Bug Abuse

  • Exploiting and doing other things deemed against the rules by a GM will result in an insta-ban. Report all bugs/exploits to the GM team via PM Immediately. (Exploiting: Abusing a bug in the game for self gain.)
  • Examples are but not limited to: Using a Ninja character to Shadow Jump to a place that is normally not accessible, making you harder (if not impossible) to attack.

General Abuse

  • Exploiting anything that requires multiple accounts in order to gain things that are put in place by the GM team in order to help players. This includes, but is not limited to creating multiple accounts to farm the 1st class job quests.
  • There is a maximum amount of 5 alts that may be used by a single person/source at any given moment. This includes, but is not limited to, owning 10 accounts and having a friend/family member/pet use 5 of those accounts while you use the other 5. In that scenario, the 10 accounts all belong to you and having more than 5 of them open at any time would be against the rules regardless of who is using them.
    • Eir and Tyr Exceptions:
      • You are allowed to use more alt clients to support you if you need them for creating potions, bombs, etc. on your creator.
      • Vending is not limited to 5 alts. However, we the staff reserve the right to kick offline vendors who are excessive in number. Use good judgement.
  • You also cannot use any number of alts if it would provide you a 100% chance of victory, such as with the Hugel Minigames.
  • Any rules related to alt abuse in regards to events, contests, etc whether clearly posted or not still apply. Event rules change over time, so what may be acceptable at one time, may not be another. Check with any event topic/page for a list of rules. If you are unsure about what is acceptable, ASK before assuming you can do it.


  • Hacking via a brute force method, is illegal. If you were dumb enough to share your information or trust someone's program that gives you unlimited items/credits, that’s your own fault.

Account Lockdown

  • If for any reason you feel your account is threatened or you need something investigated on your account you can ask for an official account lockdown. In order to do that you'll need to come to helpdesk and request a lockdown, a GM will then email you, and you will be required to respond to the email, so as such lockdowns are only granted to those that own the email associated to the account.

Email Ownership

  • Whatever you do, do not give up the email attached to your account, it is your account LIFELINE. We will offer email changes if you are the sole person logging into the account going back for some time, that judgement will be made by the person handling the email change. All email changes MUST go through Support, please keep in mind these are handled manually and you must be patient.

Client Editing

  • All client editing/hex editing/grf editing/etc. etc. is not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, changing sprites, modding your act files or changing the camera's view.


  • The use of alts in battlegrounds is strictly prohibited. No matter how good you think you are, or how many arms you can not physically play multiple clients, with your full attention, at the same time.
  • Badge farming, via the above method, or by being AFK the whole round is not allowed. This also includes purposely sitting in a corner and providing no support for your team. Being caught will issue you jail time, badge removal, or possibly a temporary ban.
  • Eir Specific - Your ultimate goal should be to win. Do not stall rounds to draw out battlegrounds by forgoing the objectives in order to spawn camp the other team and harass them. As a general rule of thumb, don't be an asshole and try to grief other players. If you or someone on your team is not fulfilling the primary objective of destroying the enemy crystal, you will be punished.

Guild Emblems

  • Copying another guild’s emblem without permission is not allowed.
  • In relation to WoE, as stated below, the use of no emblem, or a transparent emblem is not allowed. A highly transparent emblem, even if it not completely invisible, can still be grounds for punishment under this rule.
  • As well, the emblem must be discernible as an emblem. If your name was "Player" and your emblem was using the ingame font to spell out the word "I am" so that when people see your character it would look like your name was "I am Player", that is not discernible as an emblem. Your emblem must be clearly represented as it should be.

Interaction with Others

Monster Disguises

  • Being disguised while in a Player vs Player area gives you an unfair advantage when it comes to killing and being killed. Thus, we have the following rule:
    • If you are disguised as a Monster, NPC, or any other unnatural being, aside from a 3rd job sprite or baby sprite, it is against the rules for you to enter a Player killing area which includes, but is not limited to, PvP, Woe, Battlegrounds. If you are found entering these areas, your punishment can include the disguise being removed, you being strictly warned, possible jail time, or even escalate to a temp ban.


  • No buying/selling/trading during events.
  • No selling items from holiday events that are given out as a gift to others via an NPC.
  • Any prize that is not claimed one month after the winners are announced are considered null and void.

MvP Room (Loki)

  • While most rooms offer enough space to fit multiple players, do not use a multitude of alts or friends to fill the room with non-playing characters. Controlling the room in this way makes it unfair for other people who want an equal chance at killing the MvPs and can get you punished.

Kill Stealing

  • If someone steals your kill, use the @noks feature instead of reporting to a GM.
  • If he/she keeps following wherever you go and attempting to steal your kills, PM NPC:Report.

Disrespect Towards the Staff

  • Kindly respect and be courteous to the GMs/ Staff members and listen to them.
  • Do not ask to be a GM/Staff member.
  • Try not to bother the GMs unless you are absolutely sure you cannot solve your problem on your own.
  • Do not beg for any items, zeny, events, or to have commands used on you.
  • If you're planning on accusing a current GM of being corrupt, SHOW HIGHER UPS PROOF. If you just call on any specific Staff member corrupt without any solid proof, you WILL BE PUNISHED.

War of Emperium

  • Emp hugging is against the rules. If you don't know what emp hugging is, this is the act of dropping items or players around the emperium so that it is impossible to attack it. E-calling within one cell of the emp also counts as emp hugging. This also includes hiding in barricades or stones, or ecalling inside barricades or stones.
  • In relation to the Emp Hugging rule, casting skills (such as Flying Side Kick) on Barricades, Food Storage, Emperium, or Stones is punishable. This is primarily due to how the skill moves you to the same cell which depending on the situation, prevents other players from properly targeting you to attack.
  • Do not enter or participate in WOE (or any Guild PvP Event) in which you do not have an emblem or your emblem is, for majority, invisible.
  • Do not intentionally obstruct another guilds warps by putting warp portals to other areas. Also, blocking castle entrance portals, with skills, items or chat boxes (i.e. warp portal, ice wall, etc), is just outright wrong. In general keep it clean.
  • As a proper WoE guild you must have a guild emblem. Copying another guild's emblem, or using no emblem at all to gain any sort of advantage will not be tolerated.

Offensive Language / Excessive Swearing

  • Constant and or repetitive swearing is illegal. There are children who play.
  • The use of racial slurs will not be tolerated. No matter what ethnicity you may be, or how the person you are talking to doesn't mind it, some people can and most likely will be offended in some way. If you want to talk to your friend using that sort of language, take it off of RRO, or use PM's.


  • Insulting via public chat, or private messages is not allowed. Depending on the severity, punishment can be given without a warning.
  • Publicly defaming someone's name by saying "Beware of ____, they are a scammer!" or anything similar to it will result in you getting muted. If you have conclusive evidence, make a report about the person through the appropriate channels. This is considered harassment and will not be tolerated.
  • Unless it is severe harassment, use /ex or right click the player and hit "Reject Whispering" to block them first. If you block a person, and that person (or associate) continue to harass you through @mail, or on a new character, that will not be tolerated.
  • MVP harassment, (before anyone complains), MVPs are FREE FOR ALL (Except for those summoned by a quest which belong to the summoning player/party), however if you try to obstruct someone else from obtaining the MVP aside from damaging the MVP yourself. (such as buffing the MVP, debuffing other players (Removing Assumpio with KE for example), or dragging/summoning monsters on top of the party) then it's considered harrassment.
  • Eir Specific MVP rules are simply no targeting other players and no mob dropping. All general rules must be followed in terms of general interactions.
  • Begging for items/zeny/levels/etc, any form of begging is considered harassment and is not allowed.
  • Ultimately it's up to the GM to decide what is/isn't harassment.
  • On Loki, any action specifically done to maliciously impede a player from fighting a monster, outside of standard competition, is illegal. This is any monster, not just MVPs, and we'll be considering it a subset of harassment, so make sure to get screenshots.

GM Impersonation

  • Do NOT for any reason claim to be a GM. Unless they can prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt, don't believe anyone who claims to be a GM. Regardless of whether or not they are giving out free items or anything of the sort.
  • Do not use of a name similar to an existing GM's name. The use of a name deemed too similar allows the staff to force you to change it, at your expense, or delete the character entirely.
  • Even if a name was used by a GM at one point, but that person is no longer a GM, the name may be reserved and similar names are not allowed.
  • If the name you have is similar to a GM's name, but your name was chosen PRIOR to the GM's existence, you may be allowed to keep it. Similar names created AFTER the GM's existence are strictly prohibited.

  • Do not advertise another server or even another MMO. It is up to the GMs to determine what is advertising or not. Basic common sense will keep you out of trouble.
  • Examples:
    • BAD:"You should consider joining xxxxRO, I could give you a whole set of +7 valk gear."
    • NEUTRAL/TOLERABLE: "I used to play xxxxRO, then I came here," or, "Yeah he quit a while ago and went to xxxxRO."
  • Posting, or otherwise sharing referral links is not allowed. This is due to being unverifiable as non-scams and act to purely benefit the advertising person alone.


  • Twisting the truth or otherwise deceiving or misrepresenting something in order to get money, items, or accounts. (not holding up your end of the bargain)
  • Disclaimer: buying something at a high price and discovering some one else was selling it much lower is not scamming. You are responsible for knowing a current item's worth prior to buying/selling it.
  • Accidentally vending for too low is not scamming.
  • By dropping an item on the ground (whether purposely or accidentally), failure to use @autoloot, having a full inventory or overweight capacity, you relinquish possession of said item(s). If someone comes by and picks it up, they have the right to keep it.
  • Addendum: In cases of account sharing, the GM team takes no responsibility for items lost or not returned. Account sharing is heavily discouraged, and we warn you to be extremely cautious with lending. As a rule of thumb, lend out only what you would not mind losing, and lend only to people you trust.
  • Selling or Buying anything that is based off of trust (Leech, Cedi Loots or similar where the chest lot system is used, etc) is the player's risk. Depending on what sort of evidence you have to support your claim, the GM's reserve the right to deny helping in this sort of report.


  • In cases of lending, where the person you lent to does not return your items, specific evidence is very important and required for assistance.
    • 1 screenshot, including "I am lending you ____ , ____ and ____. I want it back by ___ day." In the same screenshot "I agree to borrow your stuff and have it back by ___ day" all in the background of the trade showing that stuff being lent. It's highly recommended that both parties take this screenshot, as it will back both sides up when it comes to the actual deal and prevents one person from trying to screw over the other.
    • It is also HIGHLY recommended that the borrower take a screenshot of returning the items and stating "I am returning you ____ , ____ and ____." and keeping both the original borrowing screenshot, and the returning screenshot somewhere, even if it just sits in your screenshot folder.
    • Lending cases will NOT be handled without this evidence. It is recommended that you take the few extra seconds of effort to protect your items.
  • The act of lending an account to someone, whether due to your leaving the game or friendship is highly discouraged and the GMs reserve the right to not offer assistance if the lender decides to take their account back.

Revealing GM Legit Characters

  • If you find out the name of a GMs Legitimate character and reveal it, this is punishable.
  • The act of trying to reveal a GMs legitimate character is not allowed. This can be caused by asking the GM personal questions or other sensitive information that might reveal them.
  • If it's a character that's already out in the open then there is no issue addressing that character as their GM name if that's how you usually call someone. But unless you are specifically TOLD by that character, or they are speaking about it in the open, do NOT reveal who they are. Allow GMs some form of privacy and fun in playing the game, or we get over worked and grumpy.

Intentional Erroring of Other Players

  • Any means by which a player intentionally causes other players to error is against the rules.

Main Chat Rules

Eir & Loki Rules

  • English only! We do this so it can be moderated properly as all the staff can moderate English.
  • No suggestions directed at the GMs.

Eir Only!

  • No begging for events.
  • No spamming (we don't want to have to put a chat delay on main).
  • No excessive recruiting.
  • Please do not "sing" in main or break up a sentence into 5-7 different messages. Respect the Enter key. It can be seen as spam to other players, and can be quite bothersome.
  • Take note to keep adult themed conversations off of main chat. Please remain mindful of younger players.

Loki Only!

  • No Buying/Selling/Trading/Asking for or if anyone has items, or price checking.
  • No using Main to get leeched, buy leeches, or sell leeches.
  • No using Main for guild recruiting.
  • No asking for floating rates.
  • Mentioning that you are trying to start a round of BG is okay, multiple mentions are not. The same applies to Cedi, RDC or any type of party recruiting.
  • Try to keep the topics clean, and be respectful, harassment won't be tolerated on main just like anywhere else.
  • Addendum: If you are trying to contact someone, like so many people do, and use a phrase similar to "<player name> pm me please!", make sure the person's name doesn't break the English on main chat rule or buying/selling in main chat rule. For example: Saying "selling poring card pm me" will get you muted, even if you are trying to contact the player named "selling poring card". In that situation, you need to use a non-confusing structure such as "Would the player with the name 'selling poring card' please PM me?". Even if you use that structure, we will check to see if the player exists. If no such player exists, we reserve the right to mute you, or give a harsher punishment if you are abusing that structure as an attempt to hide yourself from breaking a different rule. The safest option would be to simply NOT SAY ANYTHING on main chat if it would break those two rules (English / Buying&Selling on main chat).


Real Money Trading

  • Do not sell any in game item for real money, ATTEMPT to do so will result in the seller being banned, and possibly the buyer as well.
  • This includes buying or selling credits to or from other players for real money or anything that involves real money and other players, for that matter.
  • While the name suggests money, it is not limited to currency. Buying, selling, or trading any RRO item for something outside of RRO (Another game item, a physical object in the real world, etc) is not allowed.
  • Selling characters is allowed, through Account Services, however characters may only be sold for ingame objects (Zeny, Credits, Items, other characters, etc). Do NOT sell anything for real life objects or currency. Suspicion / Evidence of this will warrant punishment on both ends.

Account Selling

  • Do not sell your accounts for anything, it's against the rules and both Seller and in most cases Buyer will be punished.
  • This server isn’t also the place to sell other accounts from other MMO’s, so don’t sell any other account as well.

Selling Illegal Items

  • There are certain items that have absolutely no use, and are worth nothing. Don't sell them.
  • This includes items that players aren't supposed to have, such as items that are not officially released yet. If you find any mysterious item, report to a GM via NPC:Report immediately. This includes, but is not limited to, selling "Unknown Items".
  • As well, various quest items that can be easily purchased at the npc should not be vended for more than the NPC sells them. This includes items like Silk Ribbon, being purchased for 20z, and Animal Skin purchased for 27z. It is ultimately up to the GM whether something is acceptable or not.
  • The sale or purchase of Guaranteed Refine Tickets (As in services to refine someone else's item with the ticket, or prearrangement to get the Ticket for a cost via Cedi Loot) is prohibited.

Catch All

  • The GM Team reserves the right to administer any form of punishment with just cause. This is generally done through a majority consensus on the GM team, so just obey the rule of thumb and you'll be fine.