Chain Crush Combo

From Revival Ragnarok Online
Revision as of 07:01, 3 May 2011 by Syphon (talk | contribs)

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None Chain Crush Combo Skill Info
Type: Offensive Skill
Levels: 10
SP Cost: 2 + 2*SkillLV
Cast Time: Instant
Cast Delay: Lv1: 0.8 sec, Lv2: 0.8 sec, Lv3: 0.8 sec, Lv4: 0.8 sec, Lv5: 0.8 sec, Lv6: 1 sec, Lv7: 1 sec, Lv8: 1 sec, Lv9: 1 sec, Lv10: 1 sec
Duration: None
Target: Self
Range: Melee
Element: None
Catalyst: 1 Spirit Spheres
Status Icon: None
Iron Hand (Lv5), Call Spirits (Lv5), Tiger Knuckle Fist (Lv2)

Skill Description

  • Requires 1 or 2 Spirit Sphere(s)

Also a combination skill, can only be chained after Combo Finish OR Tiger Knuckle Fist. Tiger Knuckle Fist can not be chained after this, but Asura Strike can.

As the skills level goes up, the amount of hits you'll do, as well as overall damage, will increase. 2 Spheres are required to use this skill. If the caster still has at least one Spirit Sphere, he can follow up an Asura Strike.

The longest possible combo a Champion may use is Triple Attack -> Chain Combo -> Combo Finish -> Tiger Knuckle Fist -> Chain Crush Combo -> Asura Strike, provided he has the necessary Spirit Spheres.

The Damage is (400 + 100 * SkillLV)% ATK.

Level+ATK (%)HitsBase Delay Time
1500%10.8 second
2600%10.8 second
3700%20.8 second
4800%20.8 second
5900%30.8 second
61000%31.0 second
71100%41.0 second
81200%41.0 second
91300%51.0 second
101400%51.0 second

Other Notes

On all servers, this skill is unchanged and retains the original effect.



Obtained Via


Monk  · Champion
2nd Class
Absorb Spirits · Asura Strike · Blade Stop · Body Relocation · Call Spirits · Chain Combo · Combo Finish · Critical Explosion · Dodge · Finger Offensive · Investigate · Iron Hand · Ki Explosion · Ki Translation · Spirits Recovery · Steel Body · Triple Attack
Chain Crush Combo · Dangerous Soul Collect · Tiger Knuckle Fist · Raging Palm Strike
Quests Monk Job Change Guide · Monk Skill Quest · Rebirth Walkthrough