Icicle Wing Quest

From Revival Ragnarok Online
Revision as of 08:28, 21 September 2022 by Riberry (talk | contribs)

|plot= The Ice Carver's long-lost brother, Jaro, has returned from his research trip and is eager to share his new discovery - Icicle Wings. Building on top of his brother's well-known creation, the Ice Wings, Jaro has discovered how to infuse ice with new elemental properties! Each Icicle Wing possesses a unique elemental property so choose wisely!

|instructions= To begin the quest, please visit Jaro in xmas_fild01 (195, 112). You must be wearing Ice Wings (the original or its recolours) for Jaro to speak to you:

Note: Do not recolor your Ice Wings mid-way through the quest.  Jaro will NOT make the new recoloured wings into the corresponding Icicle Wing. You must choose the color you want BEFORE you speak to Jaro and begin the quest. If you want a specific color for the ice wing, you need to start the quest with that color.

First Jaro will ask you for 1000 Glacial hearts & 100 Frozen Rose.

He will then ask you for items that are dependent on the colour of your Ice Wings.

Magic reduction and/or Magnetic Earth is key, with a continuous stream of dps.
Recommended gears are Asprika, Alice Valk, Unfro/Fire Armor, and Kafra Blossom Accs.
Bakonawa is unreachable by Melee Auto-Attack, and some skills.
Blood sucker or 193 Aspd the Gongs. Wear a Fire armor during this phase.
P3 adds Shield Reflect, LoV/Storm Gust, and the Crit attack for 20-40k damage from P1



You will obtain an Ice Wings. The remaining colors can be obtained by doing the Recolour Ice Wings Quest.