
From Revival Ragnarok Online
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This is a mission on Tier 4 of the Royal Operations Quest. The mission is to get yourself out of the maze and defeat Erebus. You will need a minimum of 5 party members and you can use alts.

You can solo this tier with a max stat Assassin Cross. You will need to talk to 4 pieces of crystal + the last crystal in the boss room to spawn the boss.


You start at the bottom of the map. You can buff your Assassin Cross with Full Chemical Protection , Priest buffs and Whitesmith buffs here. You can use your priest to cast Basilica or Sanctuary so that your other chars will survive. Talk to the Crystal on the right to get started .

For the party leader ( The main carry ) You will need to talk to all the crystals. Walk up and head to the right portal. Talk to the crystal and go to the left portal. Talk to the crystal and go up. Go to the top portal twice and down once. At this part of the map walk all the way right and talk to the crystal , then head to the right portal. Walk all the way to the left portal , talk to the crystal and go left once and go to the top portal once. From here you can just spam back sliding and head down 3 portals. You will end up in the boss room. Talk to the middle crystal to summon the boss.

Here is a tldr version of which portal you need to go through

Right , Left , Up , Up , Down , Right , Left , Left , Up , Down , Down , Down

You'll be fighting with the boss Erebus. His element is wind so you'll need to use an Earth Converter . Catnip ring combo works excellent here , with max stat you can deal roughly 500k + average damage. He will cast sleep on you so you need a Nightmare Card to prevent the negative status. He will occasionally cast grand cross , if you are max stat you dont really have to worry about it as you can life steal it faster than the damage done. Otherwise use an Evil Druid Card to avoid the damage.

Builds / Equipment

Note, the classes listed below are only for reference. It is possible to finish on other classes, but the ones listed will generally have an easier time completing the mission within the time limit.

Assassin Cross

Preferably max stat.

High Priest

Just for heals , basilica and Resurrection. Stat doesn't matter.

White Smith

Just for Weapon Perfection and Power trust for added damage. Stats doesn't matter.


For Full Chemical Protection. This is very important and a must as the boss will break your headgear.