GM Art!

From Revival Ragnarok Online

GM Art! was an Art Event held from 20th September 2020 to 10th October 2020 11:59PM Server time (20 days duration)

In this event, players submit artworks which were based on the then GM Team.

Optimus Prime




There were 4 categories for this event Profile/Display Pictures, Full Body (Normal), Full Body (Chibi) and Group Picture.

Card Art


Prizes list:
First Place: Costume: Artist Hat + 30 Event Points
Second Place: 20 Event Points
Third Place: 10 Event Points

All participants also got 5 Community Points + 50 Pancakes each.

Prizes list:

Profile/Display Pictures: First Place: 10c + 5 EP Second Place: 7c + 5 EP Third Place: 4c + 5 EP

Full Body (Normal): First Place: 30c + 10 EP Second Place: 25c + 10 EP Third Place: 20c + 10 EP

Full Body (Chibi): First Place: 20c + 10 EP Second Place: 15c + 10 EP Third Place: 10c + 10 EP

Group Picture: First Place: 30c + 10 EP Second Place: 25c + 10 EP Third Place: 20c + 10 EP

All participants will get 50 pancakes each.

Extra Prize:

Most voted by community will also receive 5 EP and extra 50 pancakes. Voting will be done within 24 hours after the art event submission closed. Winners will get additional 5c per person (above 2) for group picture. We can add additional places depending on number of arts and their quality. P/S: No prize nor pancakes for voters. Come and join the event to get them!

For the Full Body (Normal Edition):


First Place:

IGN: Von Sky

Rewards: 30c / 10 EP / 50 Pancakes

Second Place and also Best GM Art by Community Votes:

IGN: Zero7

Rewards: 25c / 10+10 EP / 50+50 Pancakes

Third Place:

IGN: RoldSusej

Rewards: 20c / 10 EP / 50 Pancakes

For the Full Body (Chibi Edition):

First Place:

IGN: Umi

Rewards: 20c / 10 EP / 50 Pancakes

Second Place and also Best GM Art by Community Votes:

IGN: Eri

Rewards: 15c / 10+10 EP / 50+50 Pancakes

Third Place:

IGN: Sigwen

Rewards: 10c / 10 EP / 50 Pancakes

For the Profile/Display Picture:

First Place and also Best GM Art by Community Votes:

IGN: g c q

Rewards: 10c / 5+10 EP / 50+50 Pancakes

Second Place:

IGN: Tank

Rewards: 7c / 5 EP / 50 Pancakes

Third Place:

No Contestant

For the Group Picture:

First Place and also Best GM Art by Community Votes:

IGN: Wafflewich

Rewards: 30c / 10+10 EP / 50+50 Pancakes

Second Place:

IGN: Mozarella

Rewards: 25c / 10 EP / 50 Pancakes

Third Place:

IGN: PapiSmurf

Rewards: 20c / 10 EP / 50 Pancakes

And 50 Pancakes for all the other participants!

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