Valentine's Event 2017

From Revival Ragnarok Online
Revision as of 07:37, 21 February 2017 by Syphon (talk | contribs)

Ello Lokians and Thorians! Sorry that this is late but Happy Valentine's Day! I've been working on this for a little bit(alot a bit) now. (I'm somewhat new to scripting so forgive me for any errors that may pop up.) Some of you oldies may even recognize a bit of the event once you play. I've always found that game to be fun, so worked it in for this =3 ~Phoenix

How To Participate

  • You'll start in Prontera, our center capital in Midgard. You'll find [Cupid] on a pedestal. He needs your help!

You will either help him or not, its your choice. (You'll get nothing if you don't, common sense yea?)

  • You'll find out that Cupid's little hut in Jawaii was ransacked and various letters were stolen... What kinda nutjob steals Valentine letters? We heard from surrounding villagers he looks pretty shady and goes by the name James.. if that is even his real name.
  • Cupid will give you 10 Valentine Chocolates a day for 21 days or until the next maintenance occurs, whichever happens first; in order to bribe this creepazoid into giving you the letters he has. You'll be forced to play a game with him, that makes...very little sense. But be warned you can die, so be prepared.
  • You must win for a chance to get various items, 3 of which are the letters that were stolen!
  • Now you've got these letters that the chocolate muncher stole. You're probably wondering what do I do with these. That's simple you need to find 3 npcs that are around in 3 different towns. Find them and give them the letter for a treat. You'll find out their names when you obtain their letters.
  • After all that if you get a hat or item you had already you can visit Cupid's cousin, Trussie, in Prontera on the opposite side of the fountain that the Halloween exchanger is on. But instead of just exchanging for hats you don't have, you have to play that game with the creep again, so be prepared to see alot of his ugly mug.
  • There are 3 hats I found for this event and 3 our Admin has brought in(his have recolours!).


[ List will be added later to give 'some' surprise as to what players can get. ]