Maintenance 2013-10-11

From Revival Ragnarok Online
Revision as of 11:06, 18 October 2013 by Syphon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Maintenance/Start}} Important! You must patch up in order to connect. The server changed locations in the past couple days, so if you are using the old files without patchi...")

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From the Maintenance Notes:

Important! You must patch up in order to connect. The server changed locations in the past couple days, so if you are using the old files without patching, you will be unable to connect.

First off, we would like to apologize for the downtime that occured over the past many hours. The server, as mentioned above, went through a huge move that hit some bumps in the road. With that said, we are near completely functional and would like your patience while we iron out the remaining details.

The fixes / implementations for this maintenance are only for Loki. Eir's and Tyr's may come later. We have been very busy  :(


  • Two new donates have been added:Note: Sprites for one of the items may appear as an unknown item. The headgear sprite is implemented, but please wait for a patch to release the rest of it (inventory icons, descriptions, etc).
    • Rainbow Octopus
    • Shaman Feathers
  • An NPC to remove All Independence Day items has been added to Prontera, near where the event NPCs were located. Warning! This NPC will remove everything; Reports as well as the event Equipment (and any cards inside them). If you do not want to lose anything, put it in storage. The NPC gives you this warning as well. Items lost as a result will not be returned.
  • A new town (Mora) has been released. It has been included on the Warpra list. A Warpra and Healer are positioned in the center of town.
    • The Wandering Guardian Instance relating to Mora has also been added. it is a non-donate instance with a 2.5 hour cooldown. Note: At the time of this posting, the two item rewards for completing this quest are not obtainable. Some item tweaks still need to be done before they are released.

If you notice any bugs in the quest (or any other part of RO), please do file a bug report!

  • Event Point Redemption NPC has been reorganized to hopefully make items easier to find as well as make it easier to add more items in the near future.
  • Easter 2013 and Christmas 2012 NPCs have finally been disabled. If you still have eggs and/or baubles, they are no longer usable.
  • Donation Rewards for donating 25 euros or more in August / September are now obtainable. However, until a patch is released for the sprites, they will appear as unknown items. The effects still work, but please wait for the patch to see the item sprites properly. To redeem them, speak to the Donation Rewards NPC located in prontera near the GM Assistant.
  • PvP Warper has been added to Niflheim
  • You can now change your RDC Helm's sprite, effect, or both for a single fee of 25 Operation Credits.
  • Old Bandages has had the slot temporarily removed until the issue regarding it has been fixed. If you have one with a card in it, sign up for helpdesk to have it removed. Abusing this item from this point on is punishable. The slot will return later, don't worry.
  • Safe Refiners no longer downgrade your items upon failing. It will stay the same refine that it was before you attempted, but you will lose the ingredients used. Due to this change, the success rates have been slightly altered.
  • MvP Arena will jail you if you do not speak to the center NPC every 5 minutes. The moment you warp in, the timer starts. This has been tested and retested countless times by multiple people under different scenarios. It is working properly.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fortis Potestas, Treasureberry, and all the other 'infinite' items should no longer be able to disappear.
    • The RDC Officer now correctly states how many tickets you need for each tier.
    • Sealed Shrine, now properly has a 12 hour cooldown and is not abusable by using alts to bypass it.
    • Decarder now properly allows you to decard items that have orbs in them, and no longer freezes. Note: Orbs cannot be decarded.
    • It should now be completely impossible to spam desperado within 8-9 cells of the center of a warp portal in WoE castles. The original change was set to 3 cells, which is the normal spawn point after going through a portal, which was really a fix at all.
    • MvP Arena is fully functional. Upon entering, you must speak to the NPC in the center every 5 minutes or less. If you do not, you will be warped out and/or jailed for AFKing too long.
    • Pets and their loyal effect properly work now. This primarily affects Poring GM, Christmas Lunatic, Smokey Sock/Gift, Sedora, and Mogwai
    • GRT is no longer obtainable in Cedi Tier A
    • Indicolite Card properly casts "Break helm" on the enemy now
    • Dyna no longer accidentally gives you 30% damage to all non-demi human monsters regardless of what effect you choose. You now must have the +30 all stats effect to obtain that bonus.
    • Gunslinger's Dust Skill now correctly has a Semi-Fixed cast time. This means dex will not reduce it's cast time, but equips / cards can.
    • Warpra's warps to Splendide / Manuk now should allow you to warp there if you've done the quest.
    • Banish Winter quest should be fixed (maybe?)
    • A bug in the new world quest causing people to get stuck when speaking to Laur has been fixed.
    • SRTs accidentally deleting your item while refining to the safe limit has been fixed.
    • Super Babys rejoice! Platinum skills, the ones that keep disappearing on you when you level up, add skill points, change stats, equip something, breathe even? They will now stay on your character as intended.