Sacramental Water

From Revival Ragnarok Online
Revision as of 04:08, 17 February 2017 by Syphon (talk | contribs)

Sacramental Water
ID: 42960
Tradable: Yes
Storage-able: Yes
Vendable: Yes
Attack: Unkown
Weapon Level: Unknown
Equipped On: Enchantment
Equippable By:
Required Level: Unknown

Item Description

  • Increases the amount you do with Heal, Sanctuary and Pot Pitcher by 1% per refine
  • If this enchantment is slotted into an armour, you are made Holy elemental
  • If this enchantment is slotted into a garment, reduces after-cast delay at a rate of 1% per refine
  • If this enchantment is slotted into a footgear, increases speed at a rate of 1% per refine
  • If this enchantment is slotted into a shield, reduces damage taken from medium sized monster at a rate of 1% per refine
  • Increases damage taken from Shadow, Undead and Poison elemental attacks by 1% per refine
  • Bonuses decrease significantly with extra Sacramental Waters

How To Obtain This Item


This item is not available on Eir.



This item is not available on Thor.


Script is currently unknown.