Coagulated Blood

From Revival Ragnarok Online
Revision as of 04:02, 17 February 2017 by Syphon (talk | contribs)

Coagulated Blood
ID: 42958
Tradable: Yes
Storage-able: Yes
Vendable: Yes
Attack: Unkown
Slots: 3
Weapon Level: Unknown
Equipped On: Enchantment
Equippable By:
Required Level: Unknown

Item Description

  • Adds a chance when attacking of Poisoning and Deadly Poisoning your enemy, at a rate of 0.1% and 0.05% per refine respectively
  • When attacking, you have a 0.7% chance of decreasing the amount of healing done upon your opponent at a rate of -5%, which decreases further with refine
  • Decreases resistance to Holy elemental attacks at a rate of 0.5% per refine
  • Decreases Atk by -2 per refine

How To Obtain This Item


This item is not available on Eir.



This item is not available on Thor.


Script is currently unknown.