Maintenance 2016-05-11

From Revival Ragnarok Online
Revision as of 22:23, 11 May 2016 by Syphon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Maintenance/Start}} ==Both Servers== ====New Playable Race and Class, and new Character Creation and Selection!==== :We are pleased to announce the release of the new, pla...")

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From the Maintenance Notes:

Both Servers

New Playable Race and Class, and new Character Creation and Selection!

We are pleased to announce the release of the new, playable Race, Dorams! From the continent Far-Star (or Pasta, depending on where you're from!), they have traveled far and long to reach the port town of Izlude in Rune-Midgard. Brought here after hearing of the Invasion of the Prontera by one of their own (more on this later...), the Dorams have made land here in order to capture the evil mastermind and bring him back to Lasagne - their hometown - to face justice!
You, too, can now play as one of these Doram who are fresh off the boat. They are versed well in the art of fighting - mainly with their own claws and teeth - but also have rudimentary knowledge of magic! Furthermore, they use their skill in Itamae, or sushi-making, to support their friends on the battlefield - how delicious!
Now when you create a character, you may choose between a standard Human or, indeed, a Doram. All Dorams start out as Summoners as their version of a Novice and will spawn at the Izlude introduction boat (until we can work towards implementing their hometown, Lasagne).
We will let you figure out, play with and discover Dorams and their new class, Summoner, on your own; however we will give some cursory information:
Their max Base Level is 255 for [Loki] and 175 for [Thor]. Max Job Level for both servers is 50.
  • Max status is 255 for [Loki] and 120 for [Thor].
  • They are considered Small size and Beast race.
  • [Loki] All skills have been rebalanced for Loki. The job has been treated similar to extended classes.
  • [Thor] We have kept Summoners as close to official as possible (and as information allows).
  • We are incredibly open towards feedback for Summoners - especially as official details on this new job are incredibly rare to come by at this point in time.
  • As such, we will be disallowing Summoners from entering War of the Emperium until we are happy with their balancing. We will, however, be allowing them into PvP and BG in order to ascertain their strengths and weaknesses within a non- and semi-competitive Player v Player environment.
  • Equips that are made equippable for all jobs will be equippable on Summoners; however we do realise that for Loki especially they will be lacking a lot of custom gear. If you have any suggestions as towards gear they should and should not be allowed to equip, again, please let us know.
  • And as always, have fun! But please do remember to leave feedback on the forums so that we may read it and act on it in balancing and making :*Summoner's implementation an easy one.
  • ... Bonus picture of a mouse, pulling a cat, pulling a dog.
The character creation screen has been updated to allow you to decide at character creation the gender of that character. Fear not if you made a mistake, however, you can still change it in game later! All characters will now also start at one in all stats, which you can increase in game.
New Client!
Yes another new client! This client brings us up to November 2015 - the most up-to-date client we've ever had - ever! Since this client is closer to the current client, there is not a massive amount of new stuff (relatively) that is different; however this client has some amazing features!

Item Linking

That's right! Ragnarok has finally been dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st Century with item linking! Now you may link items in the chat log by shift+left-clicking said item. This creates a clickable link which you may send to people! This link shows everything about your item - cards, enchantments, refines, everything! This should make it muuuch simpler to sell items as well as show off the awesome items you have!
Also with this there is a new @command: @itemdesc (or @id for short). To use this command, you simply have to @id with the item ID afterwards, for example, @id 909. This will cause an NPC window to pop up with an item link that you can click to read the description of the item. Not only that but it will also display a link that will open in RO's internal internet browser to either Ratemyserver (for official items) or our own RebirthRO Wiki (for custom items). Please note, this is a new feature and it does not do a sanity check on the URL to RMS or the Wiki, so please report where and if the link is broken or there is no page available.
We are hoping this adds a lot of clarity to the game as well as furthering our goal of having people to rely less and less of outer-game resources to play!


The new feature, implemented with the last new client, that allows you to ctrl+right-click items to quickly identify them has been expanded to allow for free, unlimited identifying for anyone at or above Donor Level Nine!

Guild Storage

Drum roll, please...
Guild storage is now fixed! :toot:
No longer will gstorage shout at you because a member has it open... when you're the only person in the guild! No longer will it complain that it is in use because you kicked someone from your guild! No longer will it break at all!
Furthermore, we are also happy to announce the death of @gstoragelock! Why are we happy to announce that? Well you may now set storage permissions using the (previously useless) storage permission setting in the guild window! Bear in mind, however, that any settings previously set by @gstoragelock have not been saved; however, all positions will revert to unable to access gstorage for your guild's safety. As an aside, guild message has remained unchanged.


Prontera has been updated! This includes the town, the Castle, the Church, inside-houses and all surrounding fields!
Loki Lore:
"The frightful invasion of Prontera has ended; a Pyrrhic victory however. The invasionary forces have retreated whence they came but in their wake lies broken homes, broken lives and broken dreams. Prontera has been destroyed, pillaged and razed to the ground - but by whom, no one knows. The commanders of the invaders mentioned their Meowster in the routing of their forces by the 3rd Mounted Prontera PecoPeco Knights but this evil mastermind has seemingly decided to remain in the background of the affair. Who could this person be? What could he want?
However Prontera's King, the benevolent leader he is, spear-headed the re-construction of his city, aiming to bring a hint of normality to the lives of his townspeople. Using his own family's fortune, he bought many building materials from Morroc (which were sold by a no-good, black market dealing ruffian who would sell anything for a quick buck; sadly it seems Morroc's re-construction will never get off the ground considering these goods were meant for exactly that!) and with the people of Izlude - thankfully of Prontera's effect on their economy - offering labour, the re-construction took no time at all. Now the town has never looked better, with even the town's Church being re-built in a grander style than previously. The King, on behalf of the pleas of his people, deigned to re-make the castle (himself seeing no good in it whilst his people still suffered). However, the townspeople came together, did a quick whip around of the old cap, and shook up enough money to re-fit the castle as one worthy for a good-a King as he is.
Now peace reigns in Prontera, but soon minds will turn to who this dreaded Meowster is and mounting a counter-attack... but only the twisted mind of he (or she!) himself knows what step is next in his grand plan..."

Miscellaneous Fixes and Additions

  • [Back-end] We have merged in the latest Hercules changes since our last merge in January. If you wish to see what has changed there, you may do so here. As with all merges from the emulator, some things may have slipped under our radar that we either do not need or do not want; please report this either on the forums or to your nearest GM and they will be fixed.
  • [Back-end] We have updated the item databases' equip permissions for our ease of use. This means you may find some items that you used to be able to equip (or should be able to equip) but cannot. In these cases, please report them to use so that we may fix them with expedience. The good news is that these items may be fixed without taking the server offline so can be fixed on-the-fly and quickly.
  • [Added] A new icon will now display when the server deems you as "In Battle".
  • [Added] You may now @go, @return or whatnot out of VS maps - so long as you are not considered In Battle. This includes PvP, WoE, and guild dungeons (reverting the HoA change in 2013).
  • [Added] /quake will now stop any annoying screen-shaking effects.
  • [Changed] The old account-wide sex change methods have been removed (due to both bugs and in favour of the new per-character gender system). The RebirthRO Sex Change Ticket will now grant four Character Gender Change Tickets; the Sex Change quest on Loki will now grant two Character Gender Change Tickets; the Transgenderer on Loki will - for the time being - grant infinitely usable Gender Changes (which may change).
  • [Changed] The lay-out and spawn points for the Battlegrounds game, Triple Inferno, has changed to be more fair.
  • [Changed] VIP Double Drop will now use your autoloot settings to determine whether or not the item should drop to the floor or not.
  • [Changed] Pets will no longer cast skills in Battlegrounds.
  • [Fixed] A display error has been fixed which showed you had picked the wrong mob to Hatred - in all cases, it was the mob whose ID was one more than the one you picked. This was only a display error and does not have any impact on gameplay.
  • [Fixed] Different fonts now work.
  • [Fixed] Sorta fixed? Anyway. Item amounts - when placed in skill bars - should be clearly and more in-line with skill levels.

Cashshop Update!

A new client means new features! And we're happy to announce some of these changes are available as part of the Cashshop.

  • [Loki] [Thor] Blossom Laurel Wreath - "A blossom laurel wreath. Remember: pink is not just a girl's colour; manly men can pull it off too!"
    • Effect: +25 All Stats. +25% damage to All Races. When equipped with Fluttering Blossoms: 15% resistance to Fire.
    • Cost: 2,000P
    • Note: This is just a costume for Thor. It is a Limited Time Only! item.
  • [Loki] [Thor] Fluttering Blossoms - "Blossoms fall all around; it even comes with its own Haiku!"
    • Effect: +25 All Stats. +25% Walking Speed.
    • Cost: 2,000P
    • Note: This is just a costume for Thor. It is a Limited Time Only! item.
  • [Loki] [Thor] Cart Decorate Set - "A set of paints and materials that can be used to re-decorate your cart!"
    • Effect: Allows you to select from three, custom Carts: Helios' Cart, Lif Cart and Puppy Cart (which is totes kawaii desu, just sayin').
    • Cost: 150P.
    • Note: The item is one-use per cart style change. The item will not be removed until you change your cart's style, so you may safely use the item to check out the styles before deciding. If you remove your cart, you will have to re-purchase this item to re-apply a style.
  • [Loki] [Thor] Character Swapper Scroll - "Unhappy with the way your characters are laid out? Kept awake by your compulsion for order at your character selection screen? Finally you can now solve these issues!"
    • Effect: At the character select screen, allows you to right-click your character to move them to a different slot (by then right-clicking the empty slot).
    • Cost: 100P (normal price) / 80P (New-Item sale).
    • Note: This item must be used on the character you want to be able to move. It will only grant one swap for that character; not your whole account.
    • Note2: The Character Swapper in Prontera has now met his end... RIP.
  • [Loki] [Thor] Character Renamer Scroll - "Have you out-grown your 'lxl lxl SePhErOtH lxl lxl' name? Want to change it to the more grown-up sounding 'xXx Nar llxll Uto xXx'? Or are you just tired of waiting for Account Services to come back?"
    • Effect: At the character select screen, allows you to right-click your character to rename it.
    • Cost: 500P (normal price) / 450P (New-Item sale).
    • Note: This item must be used on the character you want to rename. It will only grant one rename for that character; not your whole account.
    • Note2: You may still use the website to change names - this is just an alternative, simpler method.
  • [Loki] [Thor] Box of New Clothes - "Fancy some new clothes? Want to show off down Izlude on a Friday night? Bored of all the spikes and ugly 3rd job sprites? Buy some new clothes!"
    • Effect: Gives you your 3rd job's alternative sprite.
    • Cost: 225P
    • Note: Seven day rental. This item equips onto your shadow/costume armour slot. For Loki, this will work on trans classes - you do not need Dyna or Magic Third for this to work.
    • Note2: Currently the only classes who have alternative 3rd job sprites are: Arch Bishop (HP), Guillotine Cross (Sinx), Genetic (Creator), Royal Guard (Paladin), and Mechanic (Whitesmith). This item is storageable so you can trade it amongst your character as you wish. Please do not buy this item if not for one of the listed characters.
    • Note3: We will be adding further sprites as they are released (which has been one every month lately).
  • [Loki] King Marollo's Key - "What? Who said that!? Antoinette is that you!? Take this damn key would you and hide it somewhere so my children don't find it!" - the aging King Marollo to his handmaiden, Antoinette.
    • Effect: Opens a Plundered Loot Chest (read below).
    • Cost: 150P.
    • Note: One-time use only.

Loki's Limited Tab has also been updated in the Cashshop!

  • [Loki] Sale! As Spring is fully in swing now and Summer will soon be upon us, let's check what goods have been moved to the Limited Tab this time!
    • Character Swapper Scroll 20% off: normally 100P, now 80P!
    • Character Renamer Scroll 10% off: normally 500P, now 450P!
    • Teddy Bear Hat 10% off: normally 2,000P, now 1,800P!
    • Tree Bird 10% off: normally 2,000P, now 1,800P!
    • PecoPeco Wings 10% off: normally 2,000P, now 1,800P!
    • Star Wings 10% off: normally 2,000P, now 1,8000P!
    • Cuppycake 20% off: normally 1,000P, now 800P!
    • Icecream Headgear 20% off: normally 1,000P, now 800P!
    • Autotrade Coupon 10% off: normally 50P, now 45P!
    • Bloody Branch 12.5% off: normally 8P, now 7P!